
Working papers


Recession Experiences during Early Adulthood Shape Prosocial Attitudes Later in Life

With Jan Bietenbeck and Uwe Sunde

This version: August 2023.

Revise & resubmit at the Journal of Public Economics.


School Density and Inequality in Student Achievement

With Jorge De la Roca

This version: June 2024.


Publications in peer-reviewed journals


Teacher-to-classroom assignment and student achievement

With Bryan S. Graham, Geert Ridder, and Gema Zamarro

Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 41(4), pp. 1328-1340, October 2023.


Revisiting the Effect of Growing Up in a Recession on Attitudes towards Redistribution

With Jan Bietenbeck

Journal of Applied Econometrics, 38(5), pp. 786-794, August 2023 (replication section).


Selection into Experiments: New Evidence on the Role of Preferences, Cognition, and Recruitment Protocols

With Jonathan Schulz, Uwe Sunde, and Christian Thöni

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 98, June 2022.


The Persistent Effects of Short-Term Peer Groups on Performance: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Higher Education

Management Science, 68(2), pp. 1131-1148, February 2022.

Vol. 68, No. 2, February 2022, pp. 11311148


Nudging Generosity: Choice Architecture and Cognitive Factors in Charitable Giving

With Jonathan Schulz and Christian Thöni

Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 74, pp. 139-145, April 2018.


Doing it Twice, Getting it Right? The Effects of Grade Retention and Course Repetition in Higher Education

With Darjusch Tafreschi

Economics of Education Review, 55, pp. 198-219, December 2016.


After-School Care and Parents' Labor Supply

With Christina Felfe and Michael Lechner

Labour Economics, 42, pp. 62-75, October 2016.


Financial Work Incentives for Disability Benefit Recipients: Lessons from a Randomized Field Experiment

With Monika Bütler, Eva Deuchert, Michael Lechner, and Stefan Staubli

IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 4(1), pp. 1-18, December 2015.


Retired paper


Inequality in Education Outcomes: The Role of Sorting among Students, Teachers, and Schools

Winner of the EEA Young Economist Award at the Conference of the European Economic Association 2017.

This version: March 2019.



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© Petra Thiemann